I'll jump in here. Socialism doesn't work because 95 percent of the working population are lazy dogf%#kers.
That hasn't been my experience in the work place. At Home Depot, where I worked, there were lazy montherchuckers who got away with their laziness because my supervisors, thanks to corporate understaffing, were too busy to keep an eye on us.
They would have stayed there forever but I managed to convince them, three different supervisors, to take some time out to watch how the lazy bums were acting and boot them out. That's how I got rid of three workers who would do nothing but clock in and stay in the break room while I was being torn apart by customers who couldn't find someone to help them.
Capitalism did nothing to throw those workers out. It was I.
That is why the Soviet Union couldn't feed themselves. The farmers had no incentive to produce. Capitalism isn't perfect but it does give an incentive. Produce or go hungry and live on the street.
The example I brought up about Publix shows how and why their employees have an incentive to better the company. It's because they literally own the business. They're only one step away from Syndicalism (a form of Socialism) and everyone is happy, especially the customers.
1,000 stores! They've been doing something right for 80 some years.
Everyone here who speaks against Socialism has the cliché version of "State Socialism" in mind with their micromanaging of the economy. That form of Socialism is not what I'm talking about. And it needs to be emphasized that Western European Socialism does not compare with Soviet Socialism. They are feeding themselves without any problems.